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Autumn Fire Encore Azalea #1 Container
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Autumn Fire Encore Azalea #1 Container

The Autumn Fire Encore Azalea is in bloom for 9 months of the year, making it a stunning addition to the range of azaleas available for gardens. Other azaleas flower just in spring, but the Encore Azaleas continue to flower through the summer and then put on a huge encore of bloom in fall. With its continuous blooming this is the ideal plant to …
The Autumn Fire Encore Azalea is in bloom for 9 months of the year, making it a stunning addition to the range of azaleas available for gardens. Other azaleas flower just in spring, but the Encore Azaleas continue to flower through the summer and then put on a huge encore of bloom in fall. With its continuous blooming this is the ideal plant to bring color to every part of your garden. The vibrant deep red flowers look terrific anywhere, and these low shrubs are ideal choices even for the smallest garden. They grow between 2 and 3 feet in height and up to 3 feet across and will thrive everywhere from zone 6 all the way into zone 9. Grow them in drifts among other shrubs and other azaleas, plant them in containers or planter boxes, and grow them in pots on your terrace. Wherever you grow this terrific plant you will love it. - Special repeat-flowering evergreen azalea - Bright red blooms in spring, summer and fall - Thrives in sun or shade - Easily grown and small enough for any garden - Grow in a pot if your garden soil is not suitable Grow your Autumn Fire Encore Azalea in well-drained soil that does not dry completely. These plants are best grown in acid soils, which are normal across much of the eastern states. If you do not have acid soil, there are treatments you can use just once a year, or you can grow them in containers. This plant does well either in full sun or in partial shade and is grows well in hotter regions where other azaleas do not do thrive. This plant is an ideal choice for foundation planting around your home, planted in groups among shrubs or flowers, in a woodland garden or in pots on your terrace. You can even bring them inside for a few days at a time to enjoy their bloom right in your home.
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The Tree Center
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The Autumn Fire Encore Azalea is in bloom for 9 months of the year, making it a stunning addition to the range of azaleas available for gardens. Other azaleas flower just in spring, but the Encore Azaleas continue to flower through the summer and then put on a huge encore of bloom in fall. With its continuous blooming this is the ideal plant to bring color to every part of your garden. The vibrant deep red flowers look terrific anywhere, and these low shrubs are ideal choices even for the smallest garden. They grow between 2 and 3 feet in height and up to 3 feet across and will thrive everywhere from zone 6 all the way into zone 9. Grow them in drifts among other shrubs and other azaleas, plant them in containers or planter boxes, and grow them in pots on your terrace. Wherever you grow this terrific plant you will love it. - Special repeat-flowering evergreen azalea - Bright red blooms in spring, summer and fall - Thrives in sun or shade - Easily grown and small enough for any garden - Grow in a pot if your garden soil is not suitable Grow your Autumn Fire Encore Azalea in well-drained soil that does not dry completely. These plants are best grown in acid soils, which are normal across much of the eastern states. If you do not have acid soil, there are treatments you can use just once a year, or you can grow them in containers. This plant does well either in full sun or in partial shade and is grows well in hotter regions where other azaleas do not do thrive. This plant is an ideal choice for foundation planting around your home, planted in groups among shrubs or flowers, in a woodland garden or in pots on your terrace. You can even bring them inside for a few days at a time to enjoy their bloom right in your home.