FASHION STORE Spring Men's Shoes Dad Shoes Men's Formal Leather Shoes Soft Sole Dad Shoes Black
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FASHION STORE Spring Men's Shoes Dad Shoes Men's Formal Leather Shoes Soft Sole Dad Shoes Black

$23.46 efter cashback
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<p>1. Spring Men's Shoes: These father shoes are made of soft leather with a round toe shape and low-cut design, suitable for middle-aged men. The rubber sole provides comfort and breathability for all-day wear.</p><p>2. Classic Design: The round toe shape, low-cut style, and second layer cow leather make these men's dress shoes a timeless and versatile choice for any occasion. The rubber sole and breathable material provide added comfort for active men.</p><p>3. Versatile Footwear: These men's leather shoes are suitable for a variety of occasions and age groups, with a classic round toe shape and low-cut design. The rubber sole and breathability make them ideal for everyday wear.</p><p>4. Comfort and Style: With their round toe shape, low-cut design, and second layer cow leather, these men's shoes offer both comfort and style. The rubber sole and breathability add to their appeal for men of all ages.</p><p>5. All-Day Wear: These men's shoes feature a classic round toe shape, low-cut design, and second layer cow leather, providing comfort and style for all-day wear. The rubber sole and breathability make them a practical choice for active men.</p>
  • Vægtning: 1 kg
  • Højde: 1 IN
  • Længde: 11.8 IN
  • Vægtning: 15.7 IN