P50 Super Bright 90000lm Led Tactical Flashlight With Rechargeable Battery
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P50 Super Bright 90000lm Led Tactical Flashlight With Rechargeable Battery

(28% menys)
$12.19 després del reemborsament
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<p>P50 Super Bright 90000lm Led Tactical Flashlight With Rechargeable Battery</p><p>The product is shipped based on the color or size of the main image of the product page.</p><p>Product DescriptionSuper Bright Flashlight: Our 3000 lumen tactical flashlight utilizes the durable XHP50 LED chip,provides poweful light,4 times brighter than XML T6 flashlight.Max beam distance up to 500 meters (1640ft).With a lifetime up to 50,000 hours.Attention:You need get it fully charged before use.please make sure the battery "+" face the inside.Rechargeable Flashlight: With rechargeable battery,it can be charged by usb cable(included),low light modes for 6 hours use.Power indicator above the flashlight helps you to know the statu of the battery clearly.5 Modes Flashlight: Features with 5 different modes:High,Medium,Low,Strobe,SOS.Easy to change modes by pressing the switch button gently.Mini size fits in your hand or pocket,backpack, survival bag,or car glove compartment.Waterproof & Durable: IP65 Waterproof level protect it from splashing water from any angle.Suitable for outdoor environment and adverse weather conditions.Please do not submerge in water for a long time.This flashlight is made of aluminum alloy,skid-proof, abrasion resistance,which is a sturdy tool to hit something during emergency.Widely Application: Convenient to operate by one hand with lanyards and compact enough to carry to anywhere in your pocket.Ideal for dog walking,hunting, boating,power outages,patrolling,camping,hiking,emergency.Perfect gift for a father, husband, wife, or college student for any occasion.If you have any question,please feel free to contact us,we promise you a refund/replace anyway.Product FeaturesUtilized upgrade XHP50 LED with a lifespan of 500,000 hours. Made by military-grade aluminum alloy, premium solid built body.Can be charged via a car/wall adapter, computer or power bank. IP65 waterproof for extreme conditions indoors or outdoors 5 Light Modes: High/Mid/Low/Strobe/SOS With power indicator light Package include : 1x LED Tactical Flashlights 1x 18650 Rechargeable Batteries 1x USB Cable</p>
  • Pes: 0.37 KG
  • Alçada: 4 IN
  • Longitud: 12 IN
  • Pes: 8 IN