1 Pieces Outdoor Wind Chimes, Wind Chime Purification, Outdoor Wind Chimes, Sympathy Wind Chimes With 12 Pieces Aluminum Tubes And Hanging Hooks
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Risparmia il 53% su 1 Pieces Outdoor Wind Chimes, Wind Chime Purification, Outdoor Wind Chimes, Sympathy Wind Chimes With 12 Pieces Aluminum Tubes And Hanging Hooks
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  • Relaxing sound
  • Beautiful in breezes
  • Good value for price
  • Nice appearance
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1 Pieces Outdoor Wind Chimes, Wind Chime Purification, Outdoor Wind Chimes, Sympathy Wind Chimes With 12 Pieces Aluminum Tubes And Hanging Hooks

(53% di sconto)
$8.56 dopo il cashback
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Item ID: WG03931<br/>Copy,<br/>Seller information
  • Peso: 0.5 KG

Riepilogo revisione

Contenuto generato dall'intelligenza artificiale
These wind chimes are a great way to relax and enjoy the breeze. They are small but beautiful when the wind hits them, and the price is good for the quality. They are also a great way to add a touch of style to any outdoor space.


  • Relaxing sound
  • Beautiful in breezes
  • Good value for price
  • Nice appearance


  • Smaller than expected
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